Thursday, February 26, 2015

Catching up with P52

I had fallen out of the habit of blogging so much that I have forgotten to update it even though I have been keeping up with this year's Project 52.  Oops =\  So here are a few photos ... I am promising myself that I will be better at the documentation of the project, so I will be posting a few more in the next few days in an attempt to catch up to the current week.

Week 2 - "Storytelling"

This teddy bear was given to me by my father when I was a small child.  I named him "Cinnonim Bear" because he is the color of cinnamon and sugar but I could correctly say "cinnamon" at the time.  He now sits on a shelf in my son's room.

Week 3 - "Light"

This is the carousel in our local mall.  If you are like my husband you are thinking "You know it's burry right?"  Yes.  I made it that way on purpose ... that's the point of the photo.  It's supposed to capture the light in a slightly different way than you normally see it.  

Monday, January 12, 2015

Project 52 ...Round 2

It's been a very long time since I last blogged, but a LOT has happened since our wedding.  We now have a baby!  His name is Beckett.  He was born October 21st of 2014.  He was 7 pounds 3 ounces and 19.5 inches long.  He is amazing.  Everything that "they" say about parenthood is completely right on.  He makes our world go 'round and he's only been here for 12 weeks tomorrow.

All that said, I am going to do my damnedest to finish the Project 52 this year.  So below is my week one photo.  The theme was "Fresh".  We have a fresh new life in our family to help us start our year.

Every week, the woman who runs the project ( picks "Eye Candy", which is 15-20 photos from the week's theme that spoke to her or she just really liked.  It doesn't necessarily mean that they were the "best" photos, just ones she liked.  I was already pretty proud of my photo, and then she chose it for one of her Eye Candy photos this week!!  I was super excited about that =D

This photo is taken from a mirror in Beckett's room that is kind of beat up and old, so the photo isn't as crisp and clear as I normally like them to be, but I don't think I *could* get a super clear image out of this mirror.