Sunday, January 8, 2012

Week One

Let's be honest, if I were to say that I were going to participate in one of those projects where you have to take a photo each day based on a specific theme or idea, either I would quit after 4.5 days OR a majority of my photos would be taken at the gym, my home or my office.  Sooooo, to avoid quitting (because I hate quitting anything) and to keep my photos creative and original (which is obviously the point) I am going to participate in a weekly challenge project.  The Project 52 is the link at the bottom of my page =)  

I am super excited about this and here is the first photo.  This week's theme is "Resolutions." Steve (the previously mentioned greatest boyfriend ever) and I decided to start swimming on top of our regular workout schedule at CrossFit and it happened to come at the beginning of the year, so this is as close to a "resolution" as I will get.

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